[Harp-L] ¿ Yer Talkin Power ? - ¡ Then Your Talkin Butterfield !
Hurricane sez :
Dig . . .
The power that Butterfield possessed is nothing short of miraculous ....
Don't even go into the tone issue of Butterfield because if you do - -
you better have as good tone or better and well ......... oh and power they go hand in hand .
Phrasing - -
Don't get the rest of the room laughing please . No one phrases like Butterfield ( I include myself ) before or after bar none including you Mr. Michalek .
His climax building approach too a crescendo heh heh heh heh .. Now we're talking clouds ans stratouspheric and everyone else is just walkin and then hitting the ground after he breaks a room up like a sonic boom . Devastation man shear dominandce with grace and furry - -
Take no prisoners , guitar players are crying the eye's out wishing they had guitar chops half as hot as Butterfields harp chops not to mention his phrasing(s) . Let God sort out the innocent !
Setting rooms on fire - - don't go there unless you can light up any room anywhere in the USA , Canada , Japan , Europe , Mars Venus .............. Don't go there man ---
Be afraid - - be very afraid and Chris if your not - - -
. . . . You will be . . . .
Miracles are rare as male hogs with lactating teats ...Hens teeth .... Snow Balls In Hell ..... Free lunches .....
.......can one make it possibly clearer .
For a novice entry level harmonica player to state that is forgivable , it is to be looked over ...
Not to be taken to the point of paying any serious attention .. in fact tolerable .
Everyone gets an education some way some how right ?
And styles - - it's O . K . to not like a particular style hey this ain't a totalitarian body here no serrrrrrrrrrreeeeee . I defend the right of any one to disagree even Mr. Chris Michalek too .
- - - But - - -
I can walk away from this one
When some one says something like they can't understand what the issue is with so many people making so many strong references to Butterfield in the superlative Like Mr. Chris Michalek has ...
Well partners in lung larceny I gotta throw down yes I do .
Leaves me thinking that this person has not really given time properly to investigate this phenominum and not only his music but what his music did as well . The reasons for Butterfield's long standing position of high esteemed was " earned " not given . Beside his monster musicianship there's the whole ball of wax involving " stage presence " -
You don't get stage presence like Butterfield just cause you want it . It is earned as well .
Some of the major dudes here in this forum have indicated several brief but concise instances for this man's gargantuan fame and legacy and with out sounding myself like an idolater ,
- ¡ man ! -
¿ Chris Michalek - What's with dis chit maaaan ?
- or -
¿ R U jussss ah tryann to get a rise outta people here ?
Sincerely :
H . R .
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