[Harp-L] Subject: Jason Ricci's heart
This is kind of personal for Harp-L, but bear with me...it's to do with
Jason Ricci....yes, yet another story about the OCD Sexy Rocker!
I spilled my purse at Terra Blues....very dark club. Didn't realize I'd
dropped a pill bottle with my migraine meds. Jason found it after I'd left
and called me at home to arrange to get it back to me. Remember ...he was
leaving the Village for yet another long drive to a gig in Pa.....driving back
the following day to Long Island (where I was not going to be able to attend
his show).....and leave the following morning (today) for another grueling day
on the road to North Carolina ...in the snow and cold, yet!.
We did manage to connect last night after my Peter White/Rick Braun/Mindi
Abair Christmas Jazz Show, but it exemplifies what Jason's all about. I know
very few people who'd go out of their way to help out a friend or fan. I make
a point of carrying only what meds I require for the day, but it didn't
matter to him. He gives everything to his audience -- and friends.
We couldn't work out a way for me to do something nice for him, give
something back...this time, but just to take them to breakfast would have helped,
had they not needed to get some much-needed sleep and back on the road.
Life on their road is hardly glamorous...a working musician is paid a
pittance for his/her efforts and this particular troupe goes far beyond that of
the average working band to bring their obvious joy in what they do to their
audience. I so admire Jason Ricci and the other members of his band. He
really is a very special human being, and he has a great group of guys backing him
up. If he is playing in your neck of the woods....please make it a point to
get out to see his show, and buy his CD's to listen to the next day when you
want to hear more...I can guarantee you will not be disappointed, and will
soon be dragging your friends to see him whenever he's in town.
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