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rainbow jimmy writes:
Butterfield had a viable approach to jazz on the
diatonic--without overblows or specially tuned harps. Ditto Work Song.
There are problems with Work Song as done by Butterfield, specifically
that glaringly wrong note at the end of the intro. That and intonation,
there are intonation issues with a lot of the songs on East West. Sure
it's great stuff and I like it for what it is but it's not a fully
realised artistic concept in that there are technical issues that needed
to be resolved. If you listen to other fusion recordings of the same
era, Birds of Fire for instance, you won't find the same category of
misplayed notes. If Butterfield was really truly playing what he heard
in his head then never mind but I think it's more a case of his playing
what he was able to play and it fell short of what his mind's ear heard.