Subject: [Harp-L] Katrina's Arena

Bobbie writes:
"All my deepest concern and heartfelt luckiest best wishes to all our  dear
friends standing in Katrina's wrathful path.  Please be safe  all!!!  Don't
mess with her!!  This one seems bound and determined  to do some tragically
serious damage, so sorry to say.

It appears I  may have ducked another big one as an outer band squall just
hurried thru  Tallahassee, only a hinting reminder to me of what awaits so
many others in  harm's way over the next few days.

I know I speak for everyone here, as  we wish, hope and pray for all the luck
and safety in the world for you out  there facing this very certain menace!

Please take care,  friends!!
Scared for you all,

.....I'm so happy to hear you avoided the worst of it, Bobbie.  It was  an 
immense pleasure meeting and bonding with you and Barbara in KC.  You  made me 
so much more comfortable than I would otherwise have been at my first  SPAH.  
Have lots of extended family scattered across Florida so have been  waiting for 
news while rushing to get ready for a family wedding this Sat. in  Md.  I 
might even have garnered the courage to play one number at the  wedding - maybe!  
Take care and echoing your thoughts for our friends in  the storm's path...

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