[Harp-L] Shareware for harmonica tunings?

On the German Harpchat forum someone asked a question that I thought I'd FW to Harp-L, hoping there might be a positive answer.
I'm not German, but I think I understand the question (original below) correctly:
Does anyone know of a shareware with which you can make tunings audible?
Meaning inputting the harp lay out, and then listen to it (or at least listen to 4 tones together).
(I don't know what the original writer means by "original 'sinus' suffices")
It would be important that the single tones can be set to different deviating cents, in order to find the perfect tuning.
(My comment): 
I think this would be a great learning tool to better understand the differing tuning systems (equal, just, compromised, all those 7-19-what have you limits).
Kennt jemand eine Shareware mit der man Stimmungen hörbar machen kann.
D.h. das Harp Layout übertragen und dann anhören.
( Oder wenigstens 4 einzelne Töne zusammen anhören ) reiner Sinus

Wichtig wäre mir, dass man für die einzelnen Töne Cent! Abweichungen
eingeben kann.
Dann würde man gleich die perfekte Stimmung finden.

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