Re: [Harp-L] JJM:s Blue 3rd
<< I give you the point: "anonymous" was too harsh, he´s certainly better than that that. It´s just this disturbing feeling I have that something musically interesting also went out when he "gave up flash" -- althought i don´t particularly care for flash as such (can do it myself; gets kinda boring after awhile).>>
Well, I would have agreed with you until that zen epiphany last year. Now I get what he's aiming for and when he hits it (which is not always) I revel in the glorious sound ;)
<< If I understand correctly -- I think it was you who said it several yrs ago -- there are no plans to re-issue his earlier material? (Maybe "Blues harp" is still widely available, but ...) A blasphemous thought is that perhaps he, in these days of copyright piracy, should do mankind a service and put, say, "Routes" out on the Net? As I understand it he is not well known in the US and possibly that could spur an interest in his other work? (I´m presenting this, of course, purely as a hypothetical stratagem; not actually encouraging such a heinous crime ...)>>
I believe there are matters outside of JJ's hands, but I couldn't tell you more.
<< As far as the general public´s interest in purely instrumental music, harp or otherwise, we may have hit an historical low, sad to say. Apart from the dwindling jazz scene (and the electronica stuff) the idea seems to be a crappy singer -- but perhaps good looking! -- anytime before a purely instrumental group, no matter how skilled. I recall all those somewhat dorky but charming pop instrumental hits from the early 60s; that tradition appears to be stone dead. Tempora/mores,
I would go as far as suggesting that the music industry has hit an all time low but then that's not all that surprising. When you try and make an industry out of an artistic endeavour, it's bound to happen. I see hope in the budding jam rock movement which not only mocks the marketing sense of the major labels but also reconnects the younger generation with artists who can truly make an instrument sing. Once the majors have all crashed and died feeding upon each other's remains, we may see music emerge yet !
Hopeful Ben
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