[Harp-L] Phrasing

Tim wrote:
>Chris went on:
>> There's nothing wrong with repeating phrases.  

>I think this is good advice, too.  In fact, a lot of Dave Barrett's 
>masterclass curriculum is developed around the idea of finding a short 
>phrase or riff and repeating it throughout a chorus of a solo.  The 
>idea is that you build an expectation in the listener, so that when you 
>do deviate from the repetition it sticks out even more.  

Lee Oskars solo on "Mother Earth" (first Burdon/War album, 35 yrs ago now ...) could be mentioned as a paragon of elegant, repetitive and very simple blues phrasing, well worth checking out. 
  He builds tension for some choruses, then steps up the intensity, climaxes with a couple of  long, effective  6 D notes, and finally calms down and comes back to his initial little riff. Tells the story and takes a discreet bow, very elegant.
  I´ve shamelessly borrowed from that solo more times than I care to think of ... can´t promise i won´t do it again.


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