Re: [Harp-L] RE: Gig Attire
Notice that I didn't say you couldn't actually BE a pimp from New Orleans in
the band, you just can't DRESS like one.
Oh, I forgot, zoot suits fall into this category too. Don't get me wrong
'cause I dig the viper thing, Mezz Mezzroe, and the jive look, but it
doesn't "fit" my band's aesthetic. I don't warm on the idea that neat and
trim equals professional... not so much because skilled playing is the real
benchmark but rather because a band should look like it's music. It should
all "fit". I once saw a blues band and the members were all wearing khakis
and Hawaiian shirts. The band was good but man, those outfits h-u-r-t. I
mean, c'mon man, a Chicago blues band wearing khakis and Hawaiian shirts?
There oughtta be a law.
> From: "Blake Taylor" <taylorb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 22:45:58 -0400
> To: <nonidesign@xxxxxxx>,<harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>, <garry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [Harp-L] RE: Gig Attire
> I'm smiling thinking what a pimp from New Orleans looks's
> pretty funny in my mind...especially if I superimpose my face on to the
> image...
> - BAT
>>>> <nonidesign@xxxxxxx> 04/13/05 9:55 AM >>>
> My band has five rules concerning attire:
> 1. No Blues Brothers references.
> 2. No dressing like a pimp from New Orleans
> 3. No flames
> 4. If you dress like a hippie we will assume you are one. This
> infraction automatically warrants a
> third offense fine (see fines section below)
> 5. Nothing representing the Chicago Cubs
> Fines are as follows:
> First offense: Stern warning
> Second offense: Stern warning
> Third offense: We douse your car with gasoline and set it on fire.
> _______________________________________________
> Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH,
> Harp-L@xxxxxxxxxx
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