[Harp-L] Re: The Fireball.....

Tom Ellis wrote:
"... the guys who developed it have a number of folks out there trying to convince people--myself
included--that the mic is a great substitute for a traditional bullet, and that it overdrives and distorts like one, too. <snip> they seem to be trying to convince traditional blues players that there's a new substitute out there. <snip> As I always tell my friends when some new product is announced or advertised as used by so-and-so: Let's see it on stage, in their hands, not next week, but
next YEAR. That will tell us if they REALLY like it."


I haven't read anyone here on the "L" making out like the Fireball is a substitute for a bullet. In fact, the posts I've seen have said rather explicitly that the Fireball AIN'T like a bullet. And I just read the PDF of the manual that comes with the mic and nowhere does it say or even insinuate that the Fireball is a substitute for a bullet.
That's a great point, though, about waiting and seeing. How many big name pros do we see playing Shakers, afterall?

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