From: Joel Fritz <jfritz666@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: harpl <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Cheap/good software alert
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 10:35:25 -0700
Richard Hunter wrote:
For those list members who are into recording using computer-based
systems, I want to alert you to a very good deal on a software drum
machine on
Musician's Friend is offering FxPansion's DR-008 drum machine (v1.10)
via reseller GForce at a cost of $49.00. For that you get three
I'm glad I read the posting, but I almost deleted it because of the subject
line. It really looks like the kinds of subject lines I see in spam all
the time.
It might make an interesting FAQ topic: Subject lines that could be
mistaken for spam.
Hear Barrelhouse Solly on the internet--that's me
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