[Harp-L] Pedals, effects and ... feedback

Hi everybody, I am a newbie on harp l ( it takes me 4 years to understand how it
works ;o) ).
I d like to have some advices on the effects you are using,
my set :
Hohner Blues blaster or SM 58
DOD envelop filter
boss super overdrive SD1
boss digital delay DD3
boss chorus (CE 1)

sometimes a flanger anf an octaver

the amp is often a Peavey Classic 30 ( not the best  but ...)

My main problems are a ever ever ever comin' feedback, most of the times, when
the volume is high onstage. I don't have enough money to get a feedback
destroyer, so has anyone tried a equalizer (boss by the way), is it effective.
Maybe the solution is to change the amp (a new one more powerfull), or the
distortion pedal,  but i have tried a TS 808 (Ibanez) and an simple overdrive
from boss (OD3) and i always have the same problem.
Maybe its a problem of impedance, should I try to lower the output impedance
from 5 Meg Ohm to 50 kOhm (as a guitar ?) to attack my affects ?

The solution is to use a SM 58, but the level of output is too low to attack the
wah pedal !!! (maybe the use of a DI in reverse befor the pedals could be the

I thank you in advance for your wonderfull advices.


PS : please excuse my english, i am a poor french student ;o)

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