[Harp-L] Musical Instruments & Levels of Accomplishment

Hurricane Sez :

So far I see many camps promoting their personal points of view over a fine instrument vs a less expensive musical instrument be it a customized harmonica or what ever instrument you chose for that matter .

That said .

Excerpts :

Douglas Tate wrote :

"  I had, by that time invented a little device for quickly finding
out if the frets were exactly in the right position on any fretted
instrument... because of this i met many of Europe's best guitar makers and got to try some fabulous instruments. While they were laughing at my lack of playing ability they were buying my device! Great stuff. During this round I managed to get hold of a guitar which had been made for Julian Bream. It was new as he had chosen another one by the same maker (Romanillos). This guitar inspired me, it had sounds on it I hadn't been able to achieve before, I found my reach was improved because of the subtle shaping of the neck, the strong harmonics from the body had been smoothed out so that no notes were obtrusive, the G string sang etc etc. It made me want to work with it, practice, play, explore new music... my technique improved from obnoxious to merely unlistenable. I loved that guitar. "

HR :

You can't  say it any better in regards to this issue my complements Douglas :)

Then we have " Chris Michalek "

Chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

" I admit that I overlooked the fact that there is no need to have a
race car if you do not know how to drive one. "

To which came this comment from :

Garry Hodgson <garry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"maybe we could get filisko to make some tricycles for the rest
of us."


Hurricane Sez :

O.K. lets digress a moment . Each person I quoted has a valid stance and each is right .

What Douglas Tate is saying bares heavy truth as I personally ( an any one else here that has accomplished something through blood , sweat & tears of devotion ) know full well and those who have not taken the road less traveled no not of and will never know till they take the first step of that proverbial 1000 mile journey to accomplishment .

What Chris Michalek said is also a true as can be stated . I know what he  wrote must have raise the fur on many a novice player . It happens quite easily to offend these new comers to the harp and the stuff in it that they are just finding out about . I'm not putting words into Chris's comments but I do feel that I know how he personally must feel on this issue because he has  by the recent posting of his harmonica instrumental version of " Purple Haze " show he's a bad boy too on the harp , sorry to complement your harp on that recording you did this way , but what the heck heh heh shoot me Chris LOL , it's "Scary "!  I loved it :)

What Garry Hodgson expressed to me when he quoted Chris's remarks reflects that maybe he ( and I betcha many others as well must have felt it directed at them too ) took it personally on that comment and I know it was not a comment directed at any one novice in particular it is just a hard cold fact to deal with .

It boils down to where you stand , something I wrote about a long time back in an other harmonica forum that sums it up :

If you are sometime player ( of whom I do respect ) , a week end warrior type , a person who toots on his harmonica to fight boredom on a grid locked freeway or in an airplane above the world cruzing about or pleasing yourself and a few friends at home with the family then my friends I do really respect you but read on please ....

A really expensive harmonica ( and that includes customized harmonicas Mr. Filiskos & Douglas Tate's Rennys  , Farrel's , Rommel's and other fine tradesmen  ), lessons from a music teacher on music theory and taking blunt criticisms about your playing style from a personal music mentor , then don't sweat the comments made when some one like Douglas , Chris , myself or any accomplished harmonica playing mad man makes a reality point of view statement based on fact and or practical musicians experience .

Then on the other hand :

If your are striving toward a goal of harmonica playing excellence ( whether its Jazz , Blues , Country Western , Classical , Brazialian Bosa Nova , Cuban Boleros and or any other musical genre I have not mentioned ) , then get ready for a reality check every once and a while from  folks like Douglas  Tate , or Chris Michalek or whom ever else paid their proverbial dues too qualify a statement or point of view on issue of relevance in things harmonica .

That said , have a great day all and where ever possible --- Get down get down man , get down get down la la LAA ! .....:)

Sincerely :

Hurricane Ramón

aka :


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