RE: [Harp-L] New XB-40 instrumental recording - and the place of the XB-40

Chris - 
I completely agree, the XB-40 isn't an overblow killer. It does something different and equally valid.
I think that in recent years many diatonic harmonica players have focused so strongly on the idea of chromaticity that they sometimes lose sight of other important issues.
The XB-40 and a harmonica optimized for overblows have chromaticity in common, it is true. But the similarities end there.
Just because two tools can do the same thing does not mean they are identical. You can drive nails with a pipe wrench but to judge it on its hammering abilities is to miss what it's meant for and what it's good for.
I deliberately chose to use the XB-40 in a tongue-blocked blues context for two reasons:
1) Just because it's different from the harps Little Walter played doesn't mean it can't be used effectively in that style of music. It can, and it can extend the expressivity of the style FROM WITHIN.
2) The idea that just because an instrument can be played chromatically does not mean it's no good for anything else. Its best uses may be completely incidental to any chromaticity it maybe  capable of.
I encourage anyone who wants to make the XB-40 their basis for chromaticity. But that's only one of the things you can do with it.
For me in my own uses, the XB-40 is a great extension to the expressive capabilities of the basic, traditional diatonic instrument. But I still use 20-reed diatonics (with and without overblows), and chromatics.

Chris Michalek <Chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I listened to it. That's the best I've heard and XB-40 sound. I'm
glad somebody could make it useful. I tried for several months and
couldn't get anything beyond a "trick effect" out of the beast. 

Good job Winslow! As great as you can make it sound, I still don't
think it will ever become an "overblow killer"

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