[Harp-L] Tate at 70 [years and MPH!]

Hi friends,

Most of us know that SPAH rescued Harp-L a few years ago from financial
disability and impending doom.  Shortly after, SPAH was itself troubled, and
only one person was willing to take up the reins and drive it onward.  Not
only did Douglas Tate accept the post of SPAH President, he guided it through
very tough times, including a costly lawsuit, which SPAH eventually won, to
redesign and redefine SPAH's mission and organization.

Whereas SPAH had been more locally based in Michigan, Douglas [a UK native]
knew it has to become more globally based in order to flourish and grow; and
with the communicative help of the Internet, he accrued a team of officers
and assistants, mostly from various parts of the USA, to devise ways of
promoting SPAH's outreach.  Via countless Internet board meetings, plans have
evolved into conventions of evergrowing proportions, financial success and
offerings of talent, education and camaraderie for harmonica lovers the world
over.  Enthusiasts for the instrument have flocked to these intoxicating
events in Denver, CO, Columbus, OH, Dallas, TX, and St. Louis, MO, since
Douglas became president, and next year we'll "invade" Kansas City, MO.

Through all this diligent effort, Doug has kept enormous devotion to helping
fellow harmonicists in any way possible, privately and publicly on several
mailing lists, including Harp-L, of course, through seminars, tutoring, books
and published articles.  He also continues to enlighten the world about the
harmonica by performing exceptional music in diverse settings, and always
seizing any opportunity at the same time to educate the masses on the many
subtleties and complexities they can discover and appreciate by getting
better acquainted with the instrument.

And, of course, I'm proud to know all these things, because he also strives
to build the best chromatic harmonica "we" know how, having honored me in
1996 to help him design and create the Renaissance, of which #49 is now in

So, I just thought on this, his 70th birthday, it would be nice to honor him,
truly a Renaissance Man for the harmonica, and to thank him for his many
generous ways of promoting and advancing our beloved instrument.

As I write, he is doing just that in Bristol, UK, at the National Harmonica
League Festival, so he may not see this until he gets home, but anyway...

Thanks, Doug!
And Very Best Birthday Wishes!!!

Your partner,


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