Re: [Harp-L] Advice on a First Chromatic

--- Phil Marty <philmguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've been playing diatonic blues harp for about 3
> years and would like to experiment with 
> chromatic. Wonder if some of the chromatic 
> players could recommend a first harp.


I'd recommend you start off with a 12 hole
chromatic first as the big 64s can be a little
intimidating and are easier to "get lost" on, if
you know what I mean.

Good bet is the good old Hohner 270, for a sturdy,
dependable harp with great tone (though the wooden
comb construction sometimes makes for a "breezy"
harp. I'd also highly recommend the Hering 5148 or
Hering 7148 (Special 48), both are good quality
12-hole harps, very airtight and responsive. Tone
on the Hering harps is a little brighter than the
Hohner, and valves can be persnickety, but a great
value and nice, comfy round holes. I own several of

Good luck!

Harpin' in Colorado,
--Ken M.

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