Re: [Harp-L] My 'new' Kalamazoo 2
The excitement and joy we get from acquiring new gear, or a hot night
playing, or discovering a new technique, is often lost on those around us
who don't share our strange addiction. Your email reminded me of the first
time I plugged my JT30 into an old Gibson Skylark and heard it moan. I tried
to explain it to my wife but she had the same look on her face that I get
when she finds a new pair of shoes. That's what is nice about Harp-L... it's
full of other oddballs who find a real hoot over stuff like cheap little
amps and overblowing little strips of metal.
Those little Kalamazoos, warts n' all, are mighty little beasts.
It's your first amp and your first mic! Brother we feeeeeeel your joy!
Just be careful or you'll wind up with a serious habit for the hard stuff
like a Sonny Jr410 amp or one of Tom Ellis' super mics. Before you know it
they'll find you locked in the basement drooling over your vintage tube
collection and talking to an old ceramic element about your favorite 5U4
It t'aint a pretty site.
> From: "Less Paul" <lesspaul58@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 21:30:07 -0500
> To: <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [Harp-L] My 'new' Kalamazoo 2
> Nothing really worth reading here, but no one in my family can share my
> excitement so I'm venting here. My $65 ebay Kalamazoo Model 2 showed up this
> afternoon, beat to hell, looking like it has seen far better days. But it
> sounds GREAT. This is my first harp amp, and I finally got a chance to try
> out the BluesBlaster (w/MC-151) I picked up a few weeks ago. What a sound!
> Almost makes me sound like I know what I'm doing!
> The amp definitely needs some TLC. The rear chassis cover is missing, the
> speaker baffle board is badly cracked, and an amateur recap left three
> electrolytics looking like a trapeze act. The tremelo is non-functional, but
> I'm not sure I really care. I plan on doing a major cleanup of the wiring
> etc, but other than fixing the structural elements I might just leave it
> looking full funk.
> Anyhow... Now I feel better. Please resume your normal daily activities.
> Paul
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