RE: [Harp-L] Harmonica and Miles Davis

I think you're right.  He did mention having a
Filiksko.  I am not sure about when he gigs, but
everything he has shown me has been on a Golden Melody
with only a reed adjustment.  And he has shown me a
lot (that doesn't really mean that I can play all the
overblows however).


--- Chris Michalek <Chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> >
> >
> >
> >---- Original Message ----
> >From: mfugazzi67@xxxxxxxxx
> He plays a lot of jazz on
> >diatonic and chromatic.  He plays a lot of
> overblows on the
> diatonic, without playing and custom harps.  
> A true Zen approach!!!  I know he has at least one
> filisko Ab.
> Chris Michalek

Mike Fugazzi
2nd EXIT Band
"The Crossroads of Rock'n'Blues"

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