Steve, I've gotta agree with Don. If you really encompass 3-4 holes with your embouchure, yet >play a single note, that points right at the lip block embouchure.
You might try to analyze just what those magical lips are doing for you.
There are further benefits to the lip block embouchure than it sounds like you are extracting at >this point. 8^)...
.....I guess I don't go back so far as that lip blocking discussion Don mentions.
I do, however use lip blocking to good effect, though I know there is more
to the embouchure than I can do with it. I like to use it in bluegrass for
example, where I play a single note following the melody ~on~ the beat,
alternated with a stacatto chord, mandolin style, on the off-beat. I open
the single note embouchure slightly around or underneath the target (melody)
note to encompass 3-4 notes.
I do think that my tongue-blocked tone is better, but there are things I do with lip block that I >can't do with tongue block, like applying various lingual articulations while playing the >chords/notes, etc.
.....Maybe there are some surprise "closeted" lip blockers out there? Michelle