Re: Guitars vs Strings repair or the bones pyle

Hey Tim,

- --- Tim Moyer <wmharps@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If any of those harps in the coffin are
> mine, please send them back for the Frankenstein 
> procedure.
> -tim

LOL! Actually, Doctor Tim, two of my dead harps
were indeed built by you, sir. And fine harps they
were until I attempted one evening to play them at
a party gig in an over-exuberant state of
intoxication. I blew the living bejeezus outta them
both and deeply regreted it in the morning.

I'll pack them up and send them off to you
post-haste and place them in your healing hands.

Harpin' in Colorado,
- --Ken M.

"When you speak of Walter Horton, the first thing you think of is his tone, that big, fat tone."
- ---Li'l Ronnie Owens

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