Re: Guitars vs Strings repair or the bones pyle

- --- eben ross <ebenross@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I keep my harps after they mis perform
> now (instead of bouncing them off the floor in
> rage) and pray that they will heal, visiting
> them in moments of great need 

Hey Ben,

My heart goes out to you, bro.

I look at my harps as close friends. I work on 'em
somewhat, insofar as tuning and sharpening up a
flat reed now and again, refining gaps and
occasionally dis-assembling and cleaning my
chromatics. But, like a friend, I try not to change
them more than they're willing to change. 

I own a few customs and they haven't lasted me any
longer than my out-of-box harps (my fault not the
harps). I grieve when they pass on to the next
realm, and gently place them in the dead-harp box.
I've tried (unsuccessfully) to do reed-replacement,
but find I have neither the patience nor the

When my chromatics start to go south I send them
out to a pro for repair as I consider them to be a
"high-ticket" item. 

Disposable?  Not quite.

I rather consider them to be indispensable. 

Harpin' in Colorado,
- --Ken M.

"When you speak of Walter Horton, the first thing you think of is his tone, that big, fat tone."
- ---Li'l Ronnie Owens

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