Re: Finding a teacher in Oklahoma City

Quoting JIM SHORT <jimshort@xxxxxxxxx>:

> How can I find a local teacher? Especially one willing
> to take on a forty-something musical rookie?

Hey Jim:

Welcome to the Fellowship of the Free Reed (that's harmonica player humor).  
Try checking with your local Blues Society or any clubs that book local blues 
bands for recommendations.  I seem to remember there is a local "alternative" 
newspaper or magazine which is a giveaway at local nightclubs that might be a 
good reference for local musicians.  A look in the phone book should tell you 
where the larger "pro" music stores are - call and ask them.  You must have 
something available on or near the college campus there.  Also, I think y'all 
have a local chapter of the American Federation of Musicians which would have 
a listing in the phone book - they'd know who the better players in town would 
be. If nothing else, there should be a few quality players/teachers in Tulsa.

Best of luck,

Tio Ed in Austin

- -- 
Ed Kliman
"Written, musical and electronic
  communications for a changing world..."

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