RE: Johnny T's comments/Playing by Ear

Damn, if all I have to do is buy a couple of drinks to get a review like
this...well, I might go broke but I think it would be worth it!!!  :-)

It really is a kick, meeting someone who you've only been corresponding with
over harp-l.  It's actually amazing how much backround is shared and not
just in harmonica playing.  Having grown up listening to a lot of the same
music really creates a bond.

Just to add my 2 cents to the discussion on "Playing by Ear".  I also think
in terms of what someone called "Absolute Intervals".  Where I'm thinking,
now I'm playing the I, now I'm playing the major third, now the flatted 5th
and so on.  I use these as reference points when necessary, and just go by
ear instinct when possible.  This makes it easier to play in different keys
since the numbers stay the same.  I would say that it takes a true master
musician to be able to play any tune he hears, with no mistakes, the first
time in any key on a chromatic harp.  Certainly a great thing to aspire to.
For me, I'm pretty happy if I can do this in a few keys, with a few

Mitch Weiss


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