Re: The Musician's Handbook--the other side--frustrations--confusions


If you have to ask, you shouldn't do it.


maurice richard libby
aka Whiteboy Slim
"twenty-first century blues"

  06:11 PM 6/22/2004, Will Vogtman wrote:

>But I wonder--would it be fun if I HAD to do it.  No sick days.  No 
>retirement.  No insurance.  What about my family?
>If I had none of those concerns, I would have been sleeping on pool tables 
>long ago.
>Or maybe I'm just scared. Fear of failure?  Can't leave a secure 
>job?  Sour Grapes?
>In any case, I can still carry my pocket full of therapy any old place I go.
>Thanks for the ears.  That was rather cathartic.

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