Re: Five Minutes/day

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The Iceman said:

>It's really not that difficult. As a minimum, all you need is 5 =
minutes/day, same time every day, of full focus on one aspect at a =
>time, to make amazing progress.

I love this concept.  I've heard it mentioned by two good players, the =
Iceman, and Michael Rubin, who uses the 5 minute concept as well, =
although he works on several different things at a time in 5 minute =
spurts (I'm sure the Iceman does too).=20

If you could come up with twelve things to work on and give them each =
five minutes, that would give you a solid hour of good practice. It =
would also keep things interesting as you'd constantly be on the move.  =
I think I'm going to give it another shot.  I've been meandering a bit =
in my practice sessions lately.

I came up with a list of items.  I'd be interested in seeing what others =
would add to the list.

1. Bends (for me the 3 draw and 10 blow bends)
2. 1st position
3. 3rd position
4. Extended positions (4th-12th)
5. Chugging, rhythm, and timing=20
6. Scales
7. Tongue Blocking
8. Stealing, learning  new licks
9. Learn new songs or melodies....................................

What else????


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