At 14:18 12/06/2004, sean stephens wrote:
>Just been wondering if there is any likelihood of the
>forthcoming event (or previous ones ) ever being
>available on video.I for one would be very keen to
>purchase a copy, however crudely shot just to get a
>glimpse of some of the great players performing.
>It would also be a treat to listen in on workshop
>dicussions etc.
>I live across the big pond and regrettably attending
>is simply not an option.
SPAH made a decision to stop officially videoing the convention, it was
simply a good way to throw money down the drain and it took a great effort
to edit the raw footage, however well or badly it was done.
Larry Eisenberg did a good job of selling videos, but it was a pretty
strenuous job. However, they were obviously good enough as there is
someone out there selling them high profile illegally.
We will have all our old Stock at SPAH this year to sell. We had them out a
couple of years ago for sale and sales were almost non existant.
Simply because of the way artists work we can't just allow anyone to video
our shows, you will no doubt have seen endless emails about this in the
past :))
Yes, it is expensive to go across the pond, and pay hotel and then the
convention fee... nothing we can do about it unfortunately. Mind you, this
year is the year to do it with the exchange rate WAY in favour of
Europeans!!! $1.8 instead of the usual $1.5ish. It's like knocking $25 off
the convention fee and nearly $20/night off the hotel!
Douglas Tate
President ... SPAH
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