Re: Lip protection help needed

>Water Vaseline is also a good mean to keep your lips safe.
>I got that tip from an Irish-trad music player who's used to put vaseline 
>on the cover-plate to go >fast while keeping the mouth and the lips wet.
>I've tried it: works fine! Protect yer lips from rubbing and from the 
>harp's sharp corners.


We've got slightly off the point of protection against sharp edges on 
diatonic harps (not something that's really troubled me much I have to 
confess, but that's hardly helpful!).  I've found that vaseline tends to 
leave insoluble deposits of an unspeakable nature in my harps after a while, 
and, after a lot of trial and error to overcome the problem of dry/sore 
lips, I discovered a lip cream called Cymex that comes in tiny tubes and 
which is great for soothing harassed lips and providing a little lubrication 
without gumming up the works unduly.  It's supposed to give relief from cold 
sores and is slightly antiseptic as well as water-soluble (unlike vaseline), 
but is free of any taste or perfume, unlike a lot of those ghastly lip balms 
flavoured with cherry or vanilla or heaven knows what.  I would also mention 
that, after many years of suffering which puzzled me, that I eventually 
discovered that my lips were prone to sunburn in summer, which was obviously 
bad news for my harmonica playing.  I found a lip balm stick in a health 
food shop containing aloe vera/vitamin E with a total sun-block protection 
factor that I now wouldn't go anywhere without between March and September.  
I'm such a delicate wee thing.

Steve Shaw

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