The 5th Online Jam has started.

Hi all,
The 5th Online Jam has started.

Nothing is quite so motivating as having your music be heard and getting
feedback!  That is what the Online Jam,, is all about.

It's a great way for everyone on the list to get to know each other better.

We have over 30 backing tracks for you to play harp to, and the number grows
daily.  I just spent a year re-writing the code behind the jam, adding two
hundred new features. Two hundred!  The jam still works the same, basically
you download a backing track, play harp to it using your favorite software,
and then upload the solo where  it is registered so people can listen and
comment on it.  The whole site is designed to give you feedback on your
playing.   I will list a few of the  new features:

Each time you vote, you are actually casting 3 votes, one for each category
Creativity, Technique, and Feeling.  You can split this vote among different
players.  This feature was added so everyone gets useful feedback, not just
the "winners".

If that's not enough feedback, you can send "blues postcards" featuring your
music to your friends!   Bushwack your co-workers!

Everyone gets a free "Jammin' Home Page" which contains only their music and
the comments made against it. You can also personalize this page with text
and links.  We have 8 servers out there in cyberspace idling like Harleys at
a stop light, waiting to do your bidding. You can hang your name on any of
them.  The domains are:

There is an automatic color coding process that allows you to see where a
solo is in the process;  grey, yellow, green, red. Each color has a special
meaning.  Green solos received enough votes to remain permanently in the
jam, red solos are flaming out.

You can view your votes by popular votes (all votes), or peer votes (votes
by other harp players.)

We have prizes!  We have CDs by Richard Hunter, Jason Ricci, Michael Fell,
P.T. Gazell, Tony Eyers, Chas, and more.

And the cost?  You wouldn't expect all of this to be free would you?  Well
it is 100% free.

So, stop on by and get famous, or at least get heard!

    --Big Dog
        aka Rick Beall

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