Re: Analytic Paralysis and Evolution

Bobbie Giordano wrote:
> I'm not paralyzed...
> I'm evolving!

At the risk of sounding like a "me too" post, let me just say that 
Bobbie's post deserves a careful read.  Conversation on this list is 
an important part of my approach to playing.  The harmonica community 
is relatively small, and I thank my lucky stars that I've grown up in 
a time when I can regularly "converse" with hundreds of harmonica 
players anytime I want.  I don't think that makes me a poorer player, 
distracting me from applying myself to my craft; quite the contrary, 
I find it inspirational, motivating.  It keeps me coming back to the 
instrument when I reach the inevitable valleys and plateaus in my 

I have a friend who complains that these forums distract people from 
going out to enjoy and support live music, that people sit at home at 
2:30 in the morning and "talk" about music when they could be going 
out and experiencing it, putting their money where their hearts are.  
I maintain that here, at 2:30 in the morning with my kids asleep in 
the next room, I wouldn't be out there anyway, this keeps my interest 
piqued, keeps me aware of who's coming to my area and when, where the 
jams are, and otherwise in touch with something that would be a 
passing fancy without this technology.  When I get the chance, I go.  

I also have to mention that I sit and play WHILE I'm reading emails, 
so I can have the best of both worlds.  

You go, Bobbie.

- -tim

Tim Moyer
Sleepy Man's Harps

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