CR Elements


The tiny transformer in a CR or CM element uses VERY thin wire for the 
winding .  You have to look closely to see where these wires are attached to 
the main connection points.  I can almost guarantee that what happened was a 
case of too much heat breaking these very fine connections.  The solder 
connection may have turned loose, or more likely (and worse), the fine 
copper wire may have been burned through.

I have repaired this problem at least once (back when I was learning some of 
these things the hard way).  It was nearly impossible to get the winding 
reattached, and I'm sure a more skilled person with a smaller soldering iron 
would have done a better job.

Possibly the best person to help you would be Dave Kott in Syracuse, NY.  He 
sells mics and parts, with an emphasis on Shure magnetics.  I  expect that 
he would be willing to TRY to fix your dead elements for a reasonable fee.  
I wouldn't expect any promise of success, but Dave can do it if anyone can.

Dave can be reached at grbullets2@xxxxxxxx

Good luck!


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