[Harp-L] bounces

Previously harp-l has had a very liberal policy regarding bounces.  An
actual human being, me, waded through hundreds of messages looking at
bounces and deciding if they were transient or permanent.  Not any more. 
Mailman has a set of paramaters that we've defined.  X number of bounces,
you get unsubscribed and sent a notice.  X number of notices we give up. 
Once this scenario has been set in motion I have no oversight role.  It's

How does this affect your life at harp-l?  Well if you're an AOL
subscriber it might.  Several AOL subscribers have set there mail to
reject harp-l mail if it originates from certain addresses.  This
generates a very annoying bounce on my end.  From now on if you hit the
bounce threshold you'll get unsubscribed.  You might want to think twice
about this if you've set AOL to reject certain members posts.  Now if the
person is an infrequent poster you'll never hit the threshold but if they
post all the time you'll get unsubscribed.

If it happens to you just remeber it's nothing personal.  You can write
the owner-harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx address and we'll straighten it out.  fjm

This archive was generated by a fusion of Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition) and MHonArc 2.6.8.