Re: [Harp-L] To Winslow Yerxa Re: Elizabeth's questions on tremoloand chromatic
Very nice stuff. Funk meets jazz meets..............
> --- In harp-l-archives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, EGS1217@xxxx wrote:
> Is there any way I can impose on any of you sweet,
> lovely harp-L people to listen to a track or two of
> Peter's on his website:
> _www.PeterWhite.com_ (
> (Coast Road Drive and
> Endless Journey from his latest CD
> ====Winslow:
> Coast Road is in C# minor
> Endless Journey is in Eb.
> C# minor plays without any slide motion on an E chromatic, OR
> on an Eb chromatic with the slide held in the whole time.
> Endless Jouney would play easily with an Eb chromatic, or with a D
> chromatic with the slide held in the whole time.
> So you could do both these tunes on an Eb chromatic.
> Or you could learn those scales on a C chromatic.
> It's not hard to play these keys on a C if you just remember which
> notes need to have the slide in and which need to have it out. Just
> noodle along with the track, trying to use the slide where needed.
> This can be a fun way to explore,
> If it helps, make a picture of the holes showing graphically which
> blow and draw notes need to have the slide in.
> C# MINOR on a C chromatic
> your home note can be found in the following holes, with the SLIDE IN:
> Blow 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12
> For the rest of the notes, should keep the slide pushed in
> Blow 2, 6, 10 - slide out
> DRAW 3, 7, 11 - slide out
> DRAW 4, 8, 12 - slide out
> Eb MAJOR on a C chromatic
> You home note alwwasy has the slide in. It can be found in Draw 1, 5,
> and 9.
> Blow 2,3, 6,7, 10,11
> Draw 1,3,4, 5,7,8, 9,11,12
> Blow 1,3,4 -5,7,8 - ,9,11,12
> Draw 1,2 - 5,6 - 9,10
> Some notes work with the slide either in or out, as both notes are
> part of the scale:
> Draw 1, 5, 9
> Blow 2, 6, 19
> Some notes happen in more than one place:
> Blow 2(slide-in) and Draw 2 (same goes in holes 6 and 10)
> Draw 4 (slide in), Blow 4, and Blow 5
> (same goes for Draw 8(slide in) and Blow 8 and Blow 9)
> Winslow
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