Re: [Harp-L] Re: Question re:playing octaves

i also can sed few MP3 smaples of my own...

larryboy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:Gail wrote: 

My questions will probably seem very elementary to most of the readers.
Please bear with me. Regarding playing octaves...I have the right idea
according to my books, but I have not been able to play anything that sounds
right. I am experimenting the octave playing on TAPS, there is no easier
song than that. Is learning to play octaves one of those things where you
do it a thousand times and all of a sudden it is there? 


Gail..........Octaves are a little tricky. Sometimes you block two holes and
sometimes you block three holes. Contact me offlist and I'll send you a sheet
that lays out what holes to blow/draw and what holes to block with your tongue.

Best Regards to All,

Larry Boy Pratt

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