[Harp-L] Re: EQ-ing for harp

Michael Fugazzi writes:

I have an amp with a five band eq on it. The range is
from 80 to 6600. I also have three tone knobs that I
usually use instead. I'd like to start using the eq
to either increase or decrease db to add to my amped
tone, overall volume, and to fight feedback. I am not
familiar with the frequecny range of the harmonica
(assuming the lowest harp is g and the hightest f#).
I would like to cut out anything that I don't need to
avoid feedback and then adjust the rest of the bands
to mold my sound.

Any suggestions? Are there frequencies I should cut
out on the high or low end that won't affect my sound
but would help eliminate feedback? I guess I am
looking for a shortcut rather then playing with all
the bands on my own.

Mike.............. I don't know about a shortcut.  You'll probably, in the end,
adjust knobs until you hear what you like.  It may be difficult to boost eq to
improve ~tone~ and not create feedback problems.  Maybe not.  Feedback has so
many factors beyond frequency; volume, room characteristics, amp/mic location. 
For what its worth, there is a discussion of Equal Temperment, Scales and
Frequencies at http://tyala.freeyellow.com/4scales.htm.  Below are frequencies
for notes based on A = 440.  Of course different harps have different tunings
and thus different frequencies. But, this is as good a range to start with.

A  = 440.000
Bb = 466.164
B  = 493.883
C  = 523.251
Db = 554.365
D  = 587.330
Eb = 622.254
E  = 659.255
F  = 698.456
F# = 739.989
G  = 830.609
A  = 880.000

Hope this helps.

Best Regards to All,

Larry Boy Pratt

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