Thanks for yourresponse Dave. I inadvertently forgot to sign my previous
post. I'm Elizabeth. Pleased to meet everyone. I appreciate the emails
gotten from two of your posters as well as your response here on the
Confirms my thoughts that you're a nice group of guys even though still
technically "way over my head", lol.
In re your: "Oh, and seriously, try tongue-blocking, it opens up whole
doors in terms of rhythm, chords and effects." -- I would if I knew how to.
Hopefully one of you can direct me to a good CD or book that would
demonstrate it?
Right now I'm still enjoying playing along with my CD's and the radio.
Maybe I'll get up enough courage down the road to join in with other
but first I'd have to find some. I'm on Long Island, New York and not sure
there are groups such as those you speak of around here.
Thanks so much for taking the time to make me feel welcome. Noticed an
error in my previous post -- of course it was "found" (not fun) an Echo