Re: harp audio forum?

Paul Harker wrote:
> Check out Microsoft Netmeeting (and a plethora of other,
> similar apps). No programming needed, just a common
> meeting time/place IP number etc.

Netmeeting woudln't work for what I have in mind. Just think of IRC, there
wouldn't be a need for it if Netmeeting could be used as a forum. In an
online forum, netizens come and go freely at any time. With netmeeting you
need a dedicated time and host, and you need to know the IP address of at
least one other member currently in the meeting, otherwise you would have to
have a Netmeeting session perpetually open on a dedicated machine,
automatically accepting connections, not sure I would trust Netmeeting
security-wise. Plus, I really doubt that Netmeeting would scale well to more
than a few users. A forum could have unlimited (for all practical purposes)


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