RE: Harmonica that ruins a song

Mojo Red wrote:
> - --- MLeFree <mlefree@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Name a contemporary classic-style blues harper
> > who's one tenth as well known as Dylan or
> > Popper.  In fact, name ~any~ harper who's one
> > tenth as well known... or as rich.
> Stevie Wonder
> Nuff said.
> Harpin' in Colorado,
> - --Ken M.

Ken, I suppose Stevie is a harper in the same sense as Dylan and Young, even
though I normally think of him as a keyboard/singer type guy.  To me, harps
are more of an integral part of the latter two musicians' "statements".  But
I won't argue small points--you're right.  I'll buy ya a beer next time I
see ya.  :)

Still, I hope you didn't miss my point.  I think it's safe to say that my
error was in omitting Stevie from my original list of unique harmonica
stylists, not in my premise.  I would include him in my argument that it
originality is requisite to make someone a famous harmonica player.  I can
tell its "Eivets Rednow" in the first few notes of a song.

Michelle  (also harpin' in Colorado.  8^)

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