Re: Harmonica that ruines a song.

I understand whay you think, Will, cause it is normal. But we all have to admit that, even if it not an fabulous idea of the harmonica that Dylan gives, He has given a picture to millions of people, about what a harmonica is: a musicla instrument. Then, folks consideration does not really mind cause still remains, I think, the most imortant: they talk about harmonica and music! they communicate!! And what is more important, in music, than communication? Then, it is up to the people to tink what they want: they can look further into the harmonica and discover Carlos Del Junco, Joe Filisko... such as we did, you, me, and many others...
If people think that you do not know music because you play harmonica, you have a great chance cause you can communicate with them and show that they may be wrong! You get contact and can share what you know and what you feel! Of course, it is more pleasuring to hear from somebody "Wow! You play harmonica? How great you are!!" than hearing "You play(?) harmonica!! Come on!! Let's talk about serious stuff not about toys!!!"  
But at last, I think it is better than being ignored. In the area where I am living, we are use to say something like "if it has an opinion, you can change it". That's why I think it is better to be assimilated to Dylan cause then, I can prove that I am Howard Levy. But if I am tottally ignored, I can't prove anything!
That thread is very interesting!

Will Vogtman <will_vogtman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dylan and Young are among the greatest harmonica players ever!

I strongly disagree.  When I say that I play harmonica, people assume that I sound like a Dylan or a Young.  
As a result, people assume I know no music theory.  People assume I am a sub-standard musician.   People talk to me like I am an idiot.

> Though they were not amazing technicians, they have done quite
> much more than any harmonica player for the harmonica.
As alluded to above, they have done more to belittle the instrument in the eyes of the public.
I have nothing personal against Dylan or Young.  They are wonderful song writers, musicians, performers, and businessmen.  
However, they have done nothing to further the legitmacy of the harmonica as a musical instrument--not a toy.

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