Re: Finding your "Niche"

On Apr 6, 2004, at 11:26 AM, Scorcher wrote:

> fjm says:
>> I'm guessing the "girl" from Boston was Annie Raines.  To me ear her
>> musical voice is unique.  The several times I've heard her play on
>> other's recordings I've always been certain it was her prior to 
>> actually
>> knowing that it was. Perhaps I've missed the point?  There were so
>> many.  What's that thing the pointed man in the pointed forset said
>> about a point in every direction?  fjm
> I had to look it up:
> "a point in every direction is the same as having no point at all."
> -Maybe we should start calling you Oblio?
> (Which is italian for "oblivion"....)
> -Scorcher
   Yeah, whatever. I was saying that when you sound TOO standard, people 
don't remember you. If they don't remember you, you go nowhere. This is 
what happened to me........

  Sorry, the girl wasn't Annie, who I (also) don't know.  Joey-kins

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