re: Like to learn (Portnoy Masterclass)

- --- In harp-l-archives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Garry Hodgson
<garry@xxxx> wrote:
> while i think the masterclass is excellent, i think
> it's a bit over the head of a beginner.  

huh. i've never heard that before. i'd be interested
to hear what others think. personally, i think it's
perfect for beginners. it starts (i don't have the CDs
handy so i'm working from memory) with simple
chording, single notes, major scale, etc. all the
things a beginning teacher starts with (and the fact
that you can HEAR what's happening is incredibly
useful, imo. better than a book, not quite as good as
a pro teacher). you can spend a month or more on the
first disk alone. disk 2 goes into bends and it all
takes off from there. it doesn't write out licks for
you, but if you get through the first 2 disks and
learn those skills solidly, you can cop licks from the
3rd CD easily.

>i think you'd be better
> off starting with something like john gindick's book
and cd,
> admittedly, the whole cave man thing is pretty
> but the instruction is good and the cd easy to

i have that too. i'll agree the caveman bit is a pain,
additionally, i thought the "intro to music theory"
part was unecessary in such a beginner's book. the cd
i just plain didn't like, as i personally found the
music corny and off-putting. Portnoy's accompanying
CDs, by contrast, are straight forward. you can
definitely get TONS of use playing over those. 

i'm not saying gindick's book would be bad for
beginners (i still read over the licks in there) but i
certainly would prefer Portnoy's for any beginning


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