
- --Apple-Mail-4--523553298

That's right, not lifted phrases but bebop phrasing, is what I meant.
Not played in a bebop context, but in shuffles, etc, and not in all of
his stuff. But he did play phrases that to my ear range all over the
joint like a bebop phrase - that break out of the straight swing stuff
that he pioneered.

Listen to "Rollercoaster".

 > we still must differentiate between these two words:
 > PHRASES (Andrew's supposed claim)
 > -my opinion: no BeBop PHRASES were played by LW
 > PHRASING (my assumption of Andrew's intended meaning)
 > -LW used plenty of BeBop PHRASING

- --Apple-Mail-4--523553298

<fontfamily><param>Courier</param><smaller><smaller>That's right, not
lifted phrases but bebop phrasing, is what I meant. 

Not played in a bebop context, but in shuffles, etc, and not in all of 

his stuff. But he did play phrases that to my ear range all over the 

joint like a bebop phrase - that break out of the straight swing stuff 

that he pioneered. 

Listen to "Rollercoaster". 

> we still must differentiate between these two words: 


> PHRASES (Andrew's supposed claim) 

> -my opinion: no BeBop PHRASES were played by LW 


> PHRASING (my assumption of Andrew's intended meaning) 

> -LW used plenty of BeBop PHRASING 

- --Apple-Mail-4--523553298--

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