Re: Solder on reeds, was: Harpie on this and that

Snaruhn@xxxxxxx wrote:
>   Hi jfritz666@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jfritz666@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
> thank you for your reply to my wondering on Smokey-joe´s soldering technic.
> However, before I comment your post I´d liked to criticize the general 
> way how posts
> are sent to harp-L for publication. You are a "good" example.
> Harp-L members contributing since long years know each other and they 
> needn`t
> to close their posts with their unambiguous complete name. So, oldtimers 
> know
> who is  B.B.B. or Bobbie (AKA Bebop as I just have learned :)) or Harpie´s
> variations as CXfried, Harpfried or simply Siegfried (AKA Seigfeid, 
> Siegfreid,
> Seigfried etc.)
> An exception is or was jm, an oldtimer who constantly refused to reveal 
> his name. 
> But there are many posts without any hint to the sender. I consider that 
> not correct
> and for my part it´s not my style to answer e.g: jfritz666@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> <mailto:jfritz666@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
> or is Barrelhouse Solly your name?

/**********************  Big Snip  ***********************************/

> Siegfried Naruhn 
> (just to mention my correct identy)

Joel Fritz--I think it shows up in the sender column in the message list 
  in most e-mail clients.  No one has to call me Solly.  <g>
- -- 
Hear Barrelhouse Solly on the web.
That's me.

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