Re: Jane Withers and the Harmonica Rascals


    Thanx for sharing those excellent pics of Jane Withers w/ The Harmonica
Rascals, it's so great to have that documentaion from so many years ago.
I'm so jealous,-) you must have one heck of a Library buddy!!

   BTW speaking of historical harp stuff, I just finished reading a book
about Bobby Darin, called "Me and Bobby D."

It's not real a bio but a memoir by the famed Jingle writer Steve Karmen ( I
Love NY, Doublemint Gum and a bunch of famous jingles). Anyway, after I read
the book I was on the Net and flipping thru his discography. He wrote a song
called "Me & Mr. Hohner" and it's on one of his records. I was wondering if
per chance this was a Harmonica instrumental??? Anyone have it?? Bobby not
only played Harp but also Vibes, Piano and Guitar!

      PS...Steve Karmen also wrote an excellent book a few years ago on the
"in's & outs" of the ad agency/jingle world. It's called "Thru the Jingle
Jungle"....a nice read as was the Bobby book............ciao rob paparozzi

- ----- Original Message -----

> Further to my post about Jane Withers and the Harmonica Rascals: Miss
> Withers will be the subject of Biography on the A&E channel tonight -
> Thursday 9/25/03 - at 8pm and 12 midnight - Eastern and Pacific times. I

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