RE: Inspiration

Sorry, in my original post I mis-typed the URL where you can listen to my
"Harp-l/SPAH inspired tune" called "Blues Harpin All Night And Day"
The correct URL is

- --- Mitchell Weiss <MRWeiss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> After reading the posts about the SPAH convention
> and the non-stop playing
> in the rooms, the halls the lounges etc.,  I
> walked out of my office singing
> about somebody playing the harmonica all the
> time(hmmm sounds like me!).
> This led to writing a tune called "Blues Harpin'
> All Night and Day".  Thanks
> guys for the inspiration!  You can check it out,
> if you like, at my
> site http:///  It's the
> first tune on the list.  
> P.S.  On a bit of a different topic.  For those
> of you who might want to get
> into chromatic from a diatonic point of view,
> Brendan Power is now
> customising Slide Harps and they play and sound
> really nice.  
> Mitch Weiss

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