RE: Poly 6

I've been told that Johnny Puleo is about the only one ever who (sometimes) 
played POLY as a melody instrument. So it is possible, but rare.


>Bill G asks:
> >     I have a "Polyphonia 6" (25 hole, double row)  What is the
> > tuning called when the top and bottom holes give the same note, whether
>blow OR draw ! ?
> >      Could some of you who play these, tell me of the pros & cons of 
> > tuning?
>Although a chromatic instrument, the "in-line" layout of Poly 6s is rumored
>to make them very difficult to play fluidly. I believe they were intended 
>be used in Harmonica Bands, but have been told they're really only suited 
>"special effects", such as glissandos.
>I may be incorrect, but that's what I've heard...

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