NOTE TO ADMIN - I know I said I wouldn't cross-post, but I don't know
how else to handle it. Please contact me directly with your
suggestions. -S

- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Wow, what a response!
I've gotten over 25 commitments in as many hours to provide a song for
the latest disc from Harp-L, Harp-Talk and Slidemeister members (I
couldn't get subscribed to Harp-On).

I'd like to see at least twice that number.

Unfortunately, conspicuously absent are some list "heavyweights" and
Pros. I'm especially asking you (y'all KNOW who you are) to
contribute - you're part of this community too - it would be a boon
for those of us with "lesser" skills to stand in your august company.
How about it? PLEASE consider contributing a song to this archive -
you're roll-models for the rest of us - we look up to you, and we'd
really appreciate a gift of your music. I know you do this as a source
of income, but please consider it may persuade someone to purchase
some of your other work. Perhaps you have a previously released
recording you could allow us to include.....

Also, interest in PURCHASING a disc is low - less than the
contributors. That's OK - I can do them at home if the number's really
low - keep my expenses down, BUT - this is IT, folks - I'm only doing
this disc once - no more copies will be made after the initial "burn".

I'm told I may have underestimated costs. OK, I may have to adjust
that estimate, but here's the plan: This will be a stripped-down,
plain-wrap disc. I'm only in it for the music - no packaging, no cover
art. There will be a text file on the disk that includes info about
submissions, and MP3's on the disc. Period. And I will send the disc
out in exchange for the cost of materials and postage (productions
costs, if I have to burn a ton of them. - NO PROFIT, and nothing for
my time.

I expect at this rate to have to decide on a schedule for the project
very soon.

OK, more updates later.
- -Scorcher

PS, If you know one of those heavyweights I'm talking about, please
twist his or her arm - let's make this disc memorable for it's

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