Re: Bushman Harps

You might like them.....
Also try Tombo, Huang, Herring, Hohner.....
It is FANTASTIC that now in the 21st century we have such a variety of 
harmonicas available...
When I first went on the road as a pro musician, back in 1967 or there about, 
the ONLY diatonic blues type harps available in England were the Hohner "Echo 
Vamper" (In the USA the "Marine Band" 12 hole) and the "Echo Super Vamper" 10 
hole (again the same as the U.S.A. "Marine Band" 12 hole ) diatonics... That 
was in the United Kingdom.... At the time Sonny Boy Williamson ll came to 
Europe and LOVED the Echo Vamper 12 hole diatonic...
Me? I also much preferred the 12 hole variety, but they were SO expensive, 
and the 10 hole Super Vampers (Marine Bands) were cheap.. But they ripped your 
lips to bits.... as the pear wood expanded once wet!
I used to buy cases of 1 dozen harps in each key at a time... Back in those 
days, I had no idea that they could be repaired once defective. I used to buy 4 
or 5 dozen harps at a time (They were only about 5 Shillings (25 Pence), or 
less than a  U.S. Dollar a piece!..... Then Hohner decided that they would NOT 
sell harps to musicians direct... One would have to order one's instruments 
from a local music store... That nearly put me out of business as a harp player, 
because I used to blow out 2 or 3 harps every night. SHAME ON HOHNER ... 
However, I'm not as tough on harmonicas these days!
So I was in trouble... I couldn't afford to replace my defective harps...
So I looked for other brands of harmonica.....
However, 30 odd years later, I still prefer Hohner Harps. I believe that they 
are still the best "off the shelf "harps.
But I like any good custom harmonica if well set up!
Try the Danneker Blues, a "T Bone",  a Mark Lavoie diatonic, (his titanium 
comb harps are WONDERFUL), or anything built by Joe Filisko, who probably makes 
the best diatonic harmonicas in the world. TRY ALL THE HARMONICAS YOU CAN!
Best wishes
John Whiteboy Walden

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