Important Message from StopSpamNow(tm) at

This is an automatically generated message by StopSpamNow (tm).
Your message "harp-l-digest V10 " Has been delivered to: freedom1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx No further action is required..

You are receiving this message because you sent an email to freedom1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx but YOUR email address was not listed in this user's Approved sender list.

Since many spammers attempt to mask their identities by using fake email address, part of the spam protection StopSpamNow (tm) uses is a patent-pending "ping" process that determines if a sender's email address is valid.. If it isn't, StopSpamNow deletes the offending spam.

The fact that you have received this message is verification that your email address is valid, your email message has reached your intended recipient's inbox, and that you have now been added to this user's Approved sender list..

If YOU would like to reclaim YOUR right to a spam-free inbox and earn easy residual income with its unique auto-viral-marketing system, download your free trial copy of StopSpamNow(tm) now!. Click here:
Spam Verification Function
For StopSpamNow

This e-mail is NOT spam it is a reply to an e-mail sent by you to freedom1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx replying to an e-mail is NOT spam or unsolicitated mail or UCE it is perfectly legal and acceptable. is part of the Secure Technologies International Group.

This archive was generated by a fusion of Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition) and MHonArc 2.6.8.