Re: Yerxa - The Early Years

Another very eloquent post from my friend Hendryerxa.
Great job Bobbie, don't forget that I have always been nice to you.

Michael Peloquin

>From: "Winslow Yerxa" <winslowyerxa@xxxxxxxxx>

>Bobbie -
>LOL! You are a truly demented and twisted human being!
>What have I done to deserve this (aside from commenting on your, um,
>fearless driving and playing hide-the-Renny just when I'm supposed to
>give it back at festival's end)? How am I supposed to keep a poker
>face while surreptitiously checking my personal email at work in the
>morning? I very nearly burst into uncontrollable guffaws, spewing my
>coffee all over the monitor in front of various vice deans,
>government dignitaries, and high-powered donors, had there been any
>Yeah, that's actually pretty close to how I wished I looked at age
>14. That image represents a lot of work on your part (folks, note the
>legend along the top of the window - this gal leaves no detail
>unattended). I'm touched, impressed and more than a little scared by
>the demented yet affectionate tribute this represents.

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