Re: Current Chicago Harp Players

Paul Oscher will be at SPAH this year.  I'm really looking forward to
seeing him.  I live in Chicago & there are some great Blues players here
[ Billy Branch, Scott Dirks, Matthew Scollar, Joe Filisko,Corkey Seigel,
Studabaker John, Dan Balini ]  There are many more & I'll bet there's
some guy playing in his bedroom that can kick everybody's butt.  Next
week is the Chicago blues fest.   Thats when all the harp players come
out of the basement and jam in the park.  It's my favorate weekend of
the summer.  Come on down & party.  I'll be gussing everywhere. :-)

PL500@xxxxxxx wrote:

> In a message dated 5/25/03 11:55:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> coquiblues@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
>> unfortunately, i don't know much about harp players still
>> living/playing
>> in the Chicago area, which is what i think you were asking about.
>> but since
>> the subject of "Chicago-style" players has come up, let me mention
>> one name
>> i think NEVER gets enough recognition: Paul Oscher.
>>   he lives in Cali, but sometimes you can catch him around the
>> country. the
>> man is a harp monster as well as a good guitarist, pianist, bass
>> harp
>> player, and maybe more, i don't know. not to pigeon-hole him as a
>> Chicago-style guy, but he can certainly resurrect Little Walter in
>> your ears
>> and more. anyone who loves harp should have one of his CDs, or
>> better yet,
>> should hear him play live.
>> and p.s. -- congrats to Ryan (who's a wicked harp blower himself!)
>> and his
>> wife on the new addition...
>>         --Jp
> I agree,
> Paul Oscher is a serious harp player. I saw him about a year ago here
> in Lake Worth and he was great. he came on stage as a one man band and
> took over. Serious slide/ guitar work (He sounds like Muddy), great
> harp playing (Nails Little Walter's tone), as well very solid piano
> playing (Can lay down Roosevelt Sykes feel easily); whatever Oscher
> wants to play in the blues medium, he can play it! Oscher in IMHO is
> one of the best blues musicians around period. If Oscher makes a rare
> appearance within a 100 miles I would advise checking him out.
> Andrew

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