Tim Bennett asked:
I wonder if Tom Ball is out there somewhere? Whatever happened to the book
you were writing on the two Sonny Boy's?

I'm looking forward to getting it when it comes out. Any updates?

Hi Tim,

Thanks for asking.  The SB I & II book is sort of on hold for now... 
got about halfway into it, then was asked by the publisher to do a 
guitar book first -- which resulted in "Dropped-D Tuning For 
Fingerstyle Guitar."

At the same time was writing a novel called "The Marty Graw Book" 
which was published in December, and additionally got caught up in 
recording a classical guitar CD, which'll be released in July.  So 
all this other stuff sort of got in the way, and the SB book ended up 
on the back burner...

Now that it's summer and festival season, there really isn't time to 
get back to work on it -- but I *DO* intend to finish it in the fall. 
Probable release sometime next spring.

I do appreciate the inquiry, tho (not to mention the opportunity for 
a little shameless plugging!) <g>, and wish you all the best.



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